Hannah Burke
WorldRemit Internal Communications DirectorHannah's worked in communications for over a decade with experience across PR, Events and Internal Comms. With a passion for plain English and helping connect people to company strategy, she's supported organisations large (33k+ employees) and small (1,000+ employees) across sectors including transport, healthcare, the UK civil service and tech. Today she's Internal Communications Director for WorldRemit, a global digital payments business based in London which recently raised $292m in Series E funding. When she's not working you can find her coxing for a rowing team or decorating her flat in South West London.

Carly Gibbs
Enjoy Work Chiswick Park Head of Guest Experience
Carly is Head of Guest Experience at Enjoy Work Chiswick Park

Max Puller
Tesco Bank Head of Colleague Communications and Engagement
Mark is Head of Colleague Communications and Engagement at Tesco Bank
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