5 Reasons to invest in Learning & Development

The day you stop learning is the day you stop earning, so here are my 5 top reasons to invest in learning and development;
#1 Learn something new today
Sometimes, particularly as adults, we slip into the trap of complacency, operating in a state of unconsciousness where it feels like are just going through the motions. It’s the day you slip into a place that I call ‘the groove or the grave’ – no man’s land. It’s the day you accept your place in the world of mediocrity where just enough is good enough. It’s the day when you lose your edge and stop being your best self.
In an increasingly competitive world, there is no such thing as standing still. All around you, people are actively moving forwards and standing still really means you’re falling behind. So, stay on the move and learn something new today.
#2 The human need for growth
One of the six core human needs is the need for growth – for emotional, intellectual or spiritual development. If you are not learning and bettering yourself every day then you are not growing.
Maintaining relevance in the fast-moving arena of life is about being fresh, living life with deliberate conscious intent as the architect of your own destiny. It’s about learning and developing self… perhaps most importantly it’s about applied learning and having the attitude of action and realising the benefits from your new-found skillset or mindset.
#3 Learn from those who have already navigated a pathway to success
I learned early in my career that observing, learning and emulating the habits, processes, and attitudes of successful people was a reliable way to fast track my own success and help me become the best I can be. On reflection, this was one of my most important life lessons and it has stayed with me ever since.
You can either develop yourself the hard way or the easy way – which pathway are you currently on?
The hard way is the pathway where you are learning through your mistakes, trial and error and constantly re-inventing the wheel. This road can be long, winding, and a painful experience! Sometimes we become so locked in our own world, so inwardly focused on thinking we can do it all ourselves and we know best, that we simply miss the opportunity to learn from others’ experiences.
Is there an easier way?
Yes, and top achievers follow this second pathway. They have an insatiable need and thirst for discovery, tapping into the success formula of those who have already been there and done it. Knowing that if they learn from their lessons, they might just accelerate their own journey, and in the process, avoid some of the common pitfalls which can easily derail and sabotage their success.
#4 Set YOUR standards for personal excellence
How can you show up every single day being the best version of you if you’re not investing in you? Investing in learning and development is about being committed to achieving greatness in your field of endeavour, whatever that may be. It’s about investing your time every day to raise your personal standards and chase perfection, even though perfection isn’t truly attainable, you may just catch excellence on the way.
#5 Hold yourself accountable
There is a misconception that we can ‘will ourselves to success’. Honestly, in all my experience I’ve never come across this one actually working!
This is YOUR performance, YOUR standards of excellence, so no surprise, it’s down to YOU to make this happen. But taking sole accountability doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.
Get an ‘accountability buddy’. There is an expression which says ‘If you want to fly with the eagles don’t hang round with the turkeys’. Who you spend time with is who you become. If you want to be a high achiever, surround yourself with like-minded people with common values who will stretch and challenge you to grow.
Royston Guest is a global authority on growing businesses and unlocking people potential. He is CEO of Pti-Worldwide, author of #1 best-selling business growth book, Built to Grow and founder of livingyourfuture™. Follow him on Facebook or Instagram. Connect with him on LinkedIn or check out his weekly blog at https://www.roystonguest.com/.