Blogs on employee engagement | Engage Employee

A Best-Practice Guide to Rockin' Employee Engagement Strategies

Written by Engage Employee | Jun 5, 2023 3:23:45 PM

By Stavy Papasotiriou, Organisational Psychologist, Employee Happiness Consultant, and Founder of Work Unlocked

Attention, HR professionals, business leaders, and line managers…

If you are eager to supercharge your employee engagement program, you've come to the right place. You hold the keys to crafting an environment that fuels motivation and fosters engagement. So, get ready to unlock the secret to a thriving workforce!

We all know that employee engagement works wonders—from skyrocketing productivity to boosting morale and job satisfaction. But how can you create a work environment that truly ignites that engagement spark? Brace yourself for our ultimate best practices on cultivating a culture of engagement that empowers your employees to unleash their full potential!


When it comes to employee engagement, success is a team effort. It's not just up to the employees; the organisation and leaders play a crucial role too. Buckle up and get ready to uncover the 8 key best practices for launching a highly effective employee engagement strategy:

  1. Rally Top-Level Management:

Secure the understanding, endorsement, and commitment of top-level management in establishing a company-wide engagement strategy. Their support ensures the strategy receives the necessary resources and attention to flourish.

  1. Partner with Employee Representatives:

Involve and inform employee representatives as partners in developing and executing the engagement strategy. By incorporating their perspectives, you ensure the strategy aligns with employees' expectations and needs. Additionally, you’ll increase employee excitement, acceptance, and participation in your new initiatives.

  1. Unveil the Right Insights:

Roll out an employee engagement survey that asks the right questions to identify the right action areas. Evaluate the results to discover both risk areas and strengths that can be leveraged. Remember… what doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get done!

  1. Transform Insights into Action:

Develop action plans based on survey results and communicate them across the organization. Clear communication ensures everyone understands the program's goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. It also signals that you took the time to listen to your employees’ feedback and come up with appropriate strategies.

  1. Foster Collaboration:

Engage employee representatives and management teams in the action plan development phase. By including their perspectives, you increase buy-in and collaboration, resulting in more comprehensive action plans.

  1. Monitor Progress:

Continuously monitor the success of implemented action plans and send out the employee engagement survey every 4 months. This enables you to track progress and identify areas that may require additional attention.

  1. Equip Managers:

Train managers on risk factors relevant to your organisation, such as job design, leadership style, feedback, and individual resilience. This empowers them to prevent, detect, and raise awareness about potential issues.

  1. Encourage Open Communication:

Provide independent and confidential channels for employees to report issues affecting their engagement, performance, and well-being. Cultivating a culture of openness fosters trust and encourages employees to speak up.

The above best practices apply to all organisations regardless of industry, size, or location.


In today's dynamic business landscape, engaged employees are the true superstars, propelling innovation, skyrocketing productivity, and fuelling profitability. With employee turnover rates soaring, it's high time for businesses to prioritise engagement like never before. As an HR professional, business leader, or line manager, your role in shaping a culture of engagement is pivotal.

Keep in mind that engagement is not a one-time gig—it's an ongoing journey that demands constant effort and attention. By listening attentively to your employees, springing into action based on their feedback, and investing in their well-being, you'll forge a culture of engagement that breeds unstoppable success for your organisation.

Are you ready to seize the engagement revolution? Let's go!

About the author

Stavy Papasotiriou is an organisational psychologist and the visionary behind Work Unlocked — a leading HR consultancy on a mission to revolutionise employee engagement, performance, and retention in businesses worldwide. With a profound understanding of HR practices, Stavy leverages psychological principles to unleash the untapped potential of workforces. At Work Unlocked, Stavy crafts bespoke strategies that are grounded in research and tailored to each organisation's unique needs. These strategies are designed to yield remarkable results while requiring minimal resources.